This has been a great week for connecting with old and new friends.
Yesterday, in a span of 12 hours, I connected with some of my all time favorite "old" friends. I spoke to my college bestie, Aniela, received an email from one of my boarding school besties, Kate, and had dinner with one of my current Denver besties, Travis. During my morning run around Wash Park on a most glorious morning in the mile-high city, I breathed in the fresh air and thought, "sweet air"...then I laughed because I was reminded that this very expression is one my friend Vanessa always said when we were mountain biking out east. Hope you're getting some sweet air today Vanessa!
After my run I had the pleasure of meeting up for coffee with Ellen Hart, a world class athlete (former in Olympic trials marathoner, current top Ironman (Kona) Age Grouper,), a graduate of Harvard University and University of Colorado School of Law, a mother, a wife and an overall woman extraordinaire. Ellen also struggled with bulimia and became an advocate for eating disorder awareness and recovery. Her story prompted the creation of made for TV motion picture called Dying to Be Perfect in 1996.
Ellen is the type of woman who walks into a room and brings with her a rush of energy, good nature and poise. Ellen and I exchanged stories about recovery, training and life. Her recovery from bulimia, like others I know including myself, came from her willingness to open up and to share her story.
After meeting with Ellen, I was again reminded how important relationships are in recovery and in life. The former is actually the premise by which MentorCONNECT's founder, Shannon Cutts, created MentorCONNECT: a place where "relationships replace eating disorders". This is why being a board member and ambassador for MentorCONNECT is so invaluable to me and to the thousands of others who have joined this online community.
In others we find strength...and recovery.
From now until March 2, 2014 MentorCONNECT has joined forces with NEDA (National Eating Disorders Awareness) on a Virtual Walk to raise money, support and awareness for eating disorders. This is "virtual" walk done through social networking and your support is always appreciated. Please click the following link to learn more and donate. Virtual Walk
An unexpected mechanical bike failure during the race forced an end to my 2013 Ironman Mont Tremblant. After a few weeks of feeling utterly disappointed, I had an epiphany. I realized this mishap was an opportunity to make my first ironman bigger than just me. So, this year I will be using my training as a platform to raise money and awareness for eating disorders by teaming up with MentorCONNECT, a global eating disorders organization. Please follow along and donate to a wonderful cause!
Quote of the day
Joseph Campbell
Ha!!! Wish I was getting sweet air! Too much snow and slop out here to ride! Can't wait for spring!